Thursday, March 27, 2014

Updates - March 27

Phew! It's been awhile since my last post. In the last month, we've decided to run a positive control in the assay procedure along with the 15s duckweed sample, just to make sure that the actual experimental method is without flaw.
Also, I've recultured the 15s source flask, as well as the 60s source flask, "autoclaving" and all, as they have both already grown to the point where they cover the surface of their medium.
Right now, I am hoping that by tomorrow, the 15s duckweed sample will have dried completely so that I can grind it up and mass it - last time I checked, the dry mass came out to be 15.4 mg, which is nowhere near the 50 mg I need. I am hoping not to skimp on this - I want to do the procedure accurately to the point, and I am beginning to suspect highly that last time's mishap was due to an incorrect method of massing, which would have led to an underweight sample, and so not enough to yield a quantifiable starch reading.
(Last time, I weighed out the duckweed fronds, then ground it up. This time, I am grinding them up, then massing them.)